Who To Contact with a Question:
Emergency Fire & Medical: call 911 (Gunnison)
Arrowhead Firehouse: 970-862-8330
AVFD Fire Chief: Jennifer Bonner
Email: avfdchief2023@gmail.com
Communications: Stacey Paznokas
Phone: 970-430-6668 or email: communications.aia@gmail.com
Design Review: Joanie Thompson
Email: jthompsonaia.drc@gmail.com
Fishing: Dennis Roberts
Email: droberts.aia@gmail.com
Forestry Management: Jim Gelsomini
Phone: 970-209-7755 or email: Arrowheadforestmanager@gmail.com
Heavy Equipment/Maintenance: Brad Fowler
Horse Corrals: Arrowhead Patrol at 970-209-6335.
Email: arrowheadpatrol@gmail.com
Phone or Text: 970-209-6335 or email: arrowheadpatrol@gmail.com
Trash Service: Arrowhead Improvements Association, Inc., Post Office Box 68, Cimarron, CO 81220
Phone: (970) 862-8240 or email: arrowheadofficemgr@gmail.com
AIA Business Office:
Arrowhead Improvements Association, Inc.
Post Office Box 68
Cimarron, CO 81220
Business Manager: Margaret Henry
Email: arrowheadofficemgr@gmail.com
Phone: (970) 862-8240
AIA Board Members
To contact AIA Board Members, click here.
Other Important Numbers
Other important numbers can be found on our Owners Page. Click here.