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Arrowhead Forest Management

Purpose: Oversees completion of the annual forest health report prepared by the Colorado State Forest Service and manages the Association's mitigation effort. Also communicates forest health issues and recommendations to owners through the Smoke Signals, email blast, and direct contact.


Forest Manager

Cory Huggard


Board Liaisons:

Dennis Roberts 


Location:  Left side of the Alpine Plateau Rd, 1/4 mile south of Upper Spruce Rd between the cattle guards.


For the Arrowhead Association to continue receiving a Burn Permit from the State of Colorado, it is required that everyone follow the guidelines as posted at the entrance gate into the Forest Refuse site!!


Please be mindful and respectful of these simple rules:

1. Forest Debris Only
2. NO STUMPS of any size!!
3. Place logs usable for firewood in separate signed area.
4. NO Construction Waste!
5. NO Household Trash!
6. NO Metal!
7. NO Paper Products!

Forest Refuse Site OPEN-May 2024.png

Contact Arrowhead Patrol or Brad Fowler for the combination to the Forest Refuse site gate.

MCH Packs and Why We Use Them:

Hazard Trees

Cory Huggard can also issue permits for the removal of trees that are identified as a hazard to structures or parking areas. Residents are encouraged to review your trees with Cory and he can identify and issue a removal permit for trees that may be a hazard. Although this process can reduce the risk from falling trees there are no guarantees. Occasionally trees on community property can be a hazard to improvements on private lots. If you observe those situations near your property you should contact Bill to assess the situation and if necessary arrange for the removal of the tree.

Fallen Tree
Forest Refuse.png


Clean Up Days

Your participation is much needed for our Community Clean Up Days!!  We start at the FIREHOUSE at 9:00 A.M. and work until Noon. The continued support is always much appreciated in keeping our common areas clean and neat. Be prepared to help with: gloves, racks, chainsaws, safety gear, trailers, water and lots of energy.​


If you have any questions, please email our Forest Management Team at:



Why Homes are Lost to Wildfire

Information about protecting your property, as well as the opportunity to learn about the sociopolitical and physical challenges of this problem in this "High Country News" article.


Down Tree Removal

You are welcome to remove downed trees on common ground for your own use. Please be aware that if you cut the tree you own the whole tree. Remove all slash, etc. from the area and take it to the No Stump Dump.


Defensible Space and Mitigation

Doing Defensible Space and Mitigation on your lot are important for maintaining the health of the forest, reducing fire risk, and to maintain or obtain fire insurance. There are many factors involved in doing this work and Forest Manager Cory Huggard is available to help develop a plan and provide the necessary permits at no cost. Cory can also provide documentation of the work done on your lot and overall Arrowhead fire prevention and suppression items that can of assistance in obtaining fire insurance.


The plan can include doing the work yourself over several years or he can provide a list of local contractors and assist with grant opportunities that could get the work done in one season. The grants, that can cover part of the cost, are available through the Western Region Wildfire Council. Submitting a grant application would normally require assistance from the State Forester for a fee. Cory Huggard can provide that assistance to Arrowhead residents, at no charge.

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